MediaSynth 2.1 - Research-Reproduce
28 projects · 38 members
Explore the work of an abstract expressionist and recreate it in under one hour.
Explore the work of an abstract expressionist and recreate it in under one hour.
Based on the statements of interest, consider how your perspective on Emerging Media lends itself to solving another student’s problem space.
Working in groups of 10, realize a future vision for technology enhanced learning where internet appliances enhance the studio-based learning experience for students at Carnegie Mellon.
Individual ‐ Due Wednesday Nov. 5, 6pm Record the world around you: 1. Capture a minimum of ten minutes of raw field recordings using a portable device (Zoom H1) [25 points]. Remember to use...more
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Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )