Thinking about Things
4 projects · 8 members
Reflecting on the topics, readings, and projects introduced, work collaboratively to prepare a working prototype of an thought-provoking IoT experience.
Reflecting on the topics, readings, and projects introduced, work collaboratively to prepare a working prototype of an thought-provoking IoT experience.
Physical computing refers to the design and construction of physical systems that use a mix of software and hardware to sense and respond to the surrounding world. Such systems blend digital and ph...more
Reflecting on the topics, readings, and projects introduced by this course, work collaboratively to remake and reinterpret a working prototype of an influential IoT experience. See: http://diot202...more
Record a sequence and quantize it [10p] • Minimum requirement C major scale: simplifying use basically the keyboard white keys and start with C (or E or G) and end with C (or E) [10p] • 20‐60 se...more
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Vail Cypher LED
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