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Haunted [Smart] House

15 projects · 16 members

Working in small groups, develop a digital exhibition to engage invited guests (and potentially wider audiences) in Spooky Technology. Each group will prepare one prototype with supporting diagetic...more

Sound Module Final Project: Graphic Novel

18 projects · 18 members

Final assignment: Composition for a Graphic Novel Short composition with original sounds Accompaniment to a teaser or trailer to a film or game Use previous visual work from narrative/visual mo...more

DIoT 2023 Skills Dev II: Working with Inputs and Sensors

11 projects · 17 members

Prepare a simple 2-in (sensors or inputs) 1-out (LED) device (i.e. your project will use three components (resistors and wire don't count!)  and at least one must be a sensor). Present a really sim...more

Learning to see

10 projects · 11 members

Go to a relatively quiet space (it should be a location off campus). Spend a minimum of 30 minutes experiencing the visual world around you. This practice will prepare you for seeing works of art l...more

Recently Discussed
Vail Cypher LED
Leslie Liu
Leslie Liu Posted on 2024-10-31 10:04:57 -0400.

(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )

Skills Dev IV: Working with Outputs - Motors and Movement
Yanling Zhang
Yanling Zhang Posted on 2021-12-08 23:33:30 -0500.


Skills Dev IV: Working with Outputs - Motors and Movement
ihans Posted on 2021-12-04 21:02:17 -0500.

Super cool!

Head in the Clouds
Alex Wang
Alex Wang Posted on 2019-10-13 22:58:04 -0400.

Wow! This project is so cool!

Memory Capsules
Wei Gong
Wei Gong Posted on 2018-09-17 17:12:09 -0400.


Pittsburgh Mural and Graffiti Location Relationship in Selected Neighborhoods
Lu Zhu
Lu Zhu Posted on 2017-09-21 23:20:36 -0400.

Hello, please provide any feedback as you want.

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