DioT S16 #4 Enchanted Objects
6 projects · 16 members
Design an enchanted object. It must delight, surprise and be lovable, but should never be used by anyone, ever.
Design an enchanted object. It must delight, surprise and be lovable, but should never be used by anyone, ever.
Individual - Due Monday Nov. 10, 6pm: Search one example of any of the items described at the first Composition reading from any music, sound creation or soundtrack, etc. you like different from...more
Create a simple perspective drawing of a tiled plaza using Alberti's Construction method.
Create a digital homage to a 20th century artist/artwork. Explore a work of contemporary art (non-digital, non-screen based) and digitally re-create it in under 2 hours. View full assignment: https...more
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Vail Cypher LED
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