DioT S15 Final - Connected Learning
13 projects · 14 members
Working in groups of 10, realize a future vision for technology enhanced learning where internet appliances enhance the studio-based learning experience for students at Carnegie Mellon.
Working in groups of 10, realize a future vision for technology enhanced learning where internet appliances enhance the studio-based learning experience for students at Carnegie Mellon.
Explore interplays between actor, audience, space and media and create a multimedia performance that is unspoken with words.
Using the tutorials and guides provided you will create a simple sensor platform of your own design that: 1) Employes 2 sensors; 2) Shares that information on the internet through the Cloud AP...more
Go to a Museum and spend time with at least one work of art. The Carnegie Museum of Art is free to CMU students and open every day except Tuesday: see http://www.cmoa.org/visit/ Pick one realist...more
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Vail Cypher LED
(first video didn't upload correctly; please visit the link instead — can't edit documentation :"•) )