2018 A4 - Project 2: Holder
8 projects · 13 members
This pool is for students in digiTOOL mini (A4), spring 2018. For this design challenge, students must solve a problem by making a holder of their own design.
This pool is for students in digiTOOL mini (A4), spring 2018. For this design challenge, students must solve a problem by making a holder of their own design.
Each team of 3 people will manufacture one of their toys from Project 1. If no one on the team has a suitable toy, you may manufacture someone else's toy with permission. Thursday February 11:...more
Manipulate a system or technical process to produce an outcome or effect that someone might struggle to explain.
Engage a line of spooky inquiry. Unsettle the present by making a creative technology. Prepare an intentionally haunted- or hauntologically-informed research product that can be encounters in the c...more
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Vail Cypher LED
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