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Having inundated myself in the art of D3 and other forms of data visualization, I have seen my fair share of misleading graphics. There are the obvious examples of ways to mislead the viewer, such as misrepresenting axes, improper tool use (e.g., 3-D pie charts), or even just having data that does not match its graphic. There are a myriad ways of telling an explicit lie to the observer, so for this project, I sought to twist the truth in a multiple manners—some egregious, some subtle. The ultimate product is a piece of data that is layered with deceit.

People lie with data in order to prove a point that statistics do not actually show. In this project, I skew data to imply the diminishing significance of NASA and, implicitly, space exploration using multiple distortions.

Before perusing the documentation, I would like the reader to consider which ways of misrepresenting data I have used before reading onward. Can you figure out every way I skewed the data?


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