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I've created a donut chart of university acceptances from very selective universities. It gives off the impression that by applying to these ten universities, the applicant is 100% guaranteed to be accepted by one of the ten. This is because it seems like if I were to give these 10 universities 100 applicants, Harvard would take 6 of them while CMU would take 25 students. In other words, each would take a piece of the donut of applicants. The piece they each take won't intersect and that each applicant will be accepted. However, this is clearly not the case.  These percentages are the percent of applicants that a university accepts from their own pool of applicantsThis is a convenient and important distinction that I don't make clear in the donut chart. By creating a donut chart rather a bar graph, it gives off this illusion of each category taking a piece of the whole. If this information was displayed as a bar graph, it would be a much different story.

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