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I wanted to highlight the problems with the extrapolation of data making expanding on the silly notion that past data can be used to predict future values, when that data is small or just outright invalid for extrapolation. When people identify a pattern or trend in data, it can be very easy to engage in confirmation bias (I would sure like to believe that there are more than 25 hours in a day, and that I can spend that much of it sleeping) and also dismiss falsifying data as insignificant, outlier data (although I didn't quite need to do that this time). 

These are simple concepts in basic epistemology you learn in both science and philosophy, but being constantly aware of the cognitive shortcuts your mind likes to take is difficult. If it's not a topic I'm personally interested in, I'd take the first thing that comes to mind and put it down on paper, and within minutes the whole thing would be clean out of my mind. Yet, even as I'm aware of this failing, I have a passionate dislike for the unwillingness and sheer laziness to think things through before holding opinions on what should be objective fact (or even worse, controversial topics liable to affect others). Hence the project on a simple and obvious case of poor extrapolation.

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