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Facebook lets you download your information as an archive, and this information includes your friends list so at first I used this. So I downloaded my archive, but after opening the friends list they stored, I saw that it didn't include data with when I became Facebook friends with the person. So I had to go into my activity log, go to friends, and then scroll down the years so the entire page (from 2009 - 2015) loaded and included all my added friends along with time stamps. Then, I selected all and copied it into Sublime. From there, I separated each of the 6 years into their own text files, and then did a CTRL+F to find the string "became friends" and recorded the count for each of the years.

Then, after a long time of playing with other data visualization tools, I found one that I evetually settled with on I added in my own data from one of their samples in Javascript and then exported the image.

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