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I struggled with coming up with an idea to misrepresent at the beginning. I looked through the links provided, but was either uninterested in the data or couldn't come up with a way to lie about it. When I finally decided on this idea, I first plotted the data and then began to manipulate the visualization to misrepresent it. I overthought the misrepresenting part, so I threw out ideas before really considering them. I think the final product I made is fairly plain. While I did put a lot of effort into creating the graph and adding more artistic elements, I should have worked smarter. My visualization is also confusing because it portrays 3 variables that don't all connect, that is, the number of composing members and billboard rank connect to the views on YouTube, but the number of composing members and billboard count are not related to each other. If I were to do it over again, I would actually probably pick a different topic, but if I stuck with the same topic, I would change the way I represented it, making it more simpler and intuitive because I think as it is not it is difficult to understand.

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