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I read TV Tropes. I have explored essentially every version and variation of every idea in narrative. There is nothing new to explore under the sun. Every possible concept and twist that people might want to think of as original… isn’t. (For instance, even before the time of Asimov, people had considered fantastic automated contraptions and the philosophical inquiries these contraptions inspired.) Thus, it is almost impossible for me to sincerely enjoy a piece of narrative media without instinctively scrutinizing the tropes it uses.

Where do you go from here, then, when you’ve heard of every story and are asked to reinvent? I’ve had to tackle such an issue as I’ve worked through this project. When you have heard of every trope used in narratives, you start looking toward higher-level concepts. In particular, I decided to play with some of the unique elements of the narrative medium itself to produce a work that defies what narratives can be.


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