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The big idea behind my project was to take a concept album story and by rearranging the album and taking clips from the song tell a different story. My goal was to have this clipped together song to tell a full story while also sounding like a song.

The original Cry Baby album revolves around a character known as Cry Baby. Cry baby starts out as a very innocent young girl who falls in and out of love. Her various relationships with her crushes and experiences influence her as she grows up and radically change her personality and how she interacts with people. I find it to be a very dark but interesting coming-of-age story. The album also has wrapped these ideas and its coming of age story in words that are generally seen as childish like Sippy Cup and Mrs. Potato Head, which give it an interesting take on adult themes. 

The altered version I created tells the story of a girl who finds a boy that she likes who already has a girlfriend. To win him, she kidnaps and poions his girlfriend. They begin to date but she realizes that he doesn't really love her. He eventually finds out what she did and kills her. 

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