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What does your inner critic say about this work? What did you learn? What would you do differently? 

Knowing that I originally wanted it to be a bit more than what I had, I'm slightly disappointed that I wasn't able to recreate a different song using Let It Go. Perhaps if I had done this differently, I could have picked a more typical love pop song or something which would be more likely to have repeated words. Also, I think the pauses in between the sentences are slightly awkward, and this could benefit with even smoother audio volume. I could have also worked with the and lengths of the words pitches to make the sentences more natural. There were also slight grammar issues due to my limtiation of words, but I think I probably could have taken cuts of syllables to make the word. Maybe I could have been a little more creative with the sentences as well, though I suppose the lyrics don't leave me much options--I do kind of wish I could've come up with something more math-y--I think that would've been really interesting!

This definitely took much more time than expected and I think whoever comes up with Youtube videos that involve much longer cuts must be really dedicated!!

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