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Despite my significant troubles in finding a topic initially, I am very happy with this project. I think that using clips of the dictators making very human gestures like laughing did a good job of obfuscating their deeds, particularly the lesser known ones like Idi Amin. I think that that this project 'retells' history in a way quite befitting the spirit of this assignment, and that it very much appeals to my sense of humor. If I were to redo this assignment with more time, I'd try to remove distracting elements such as subtitles and the logos of news organizations so as to not detract from the idea that it is the intro to a sitcom. I might have also picked better music and added a clip of Kim Jong Un to help better represent the dictators of Asia. 

What does your inner critic say about this work? What did you learn? What would you do differently? 

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