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Let me tell you a story of the lofty plans of Kaalen Kirrene. As soon as he heard the project the gears began spinning in his head. "What if I told an interactive story like the tell tale games. That would be soooo cool!" he thought to himself. But he also had a dilemma, "I always do something audio related but this seems like just a video." But then inspiration struck like a lightning bolt through his body "Eureka, I will just retell the stories of some of my favorites songs." With a new found vigor he began to think about who he should choose. Marianas Trench seemed like an easy option as he loved the band and they also had some interesting lyrics that could be turned into a video. The idea was that he would create videos where the view could choose what they wanted to see next at the end of each video and based on the choices a new song would be highlighted and thus a new facet of the story would unfold. However little did he know how grand the task he was about take on was. 

The weekend begins with a surprise visit from his Girlfriends parents, and while normally this would be a joyous occasion Kaalen noted that his girlfriend a wizard with photography would be largely unable to help him this weekend and due to his lack of any knowledge of videograhy he decided to wait until they left. So come Sunday afternoon the parents leave but with them they take all of the energy of the weekend leaving both Kaalen and his girlfriend exhausted so the project did not start until early Sunday night. It began with a mapping out of how each song would fit together 

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