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Even though it was late at night when he finished Kaalen was confident he could get the project done in time. "Each scene has only 3-6 lines" he thought "I should be able to easily crank out 7 or 8 scenes." He recalled that his friends had warned him that editing video was a pain and very difficult but he brushed that off as he was not going to use any "cool" special effects. That was the beginning of the end for our friend Kaalen for just as Icarus did not heed the warnings of his father Daedalus, Kaalen did not heed the warnings of his friends. 

The next day arrived and Kaalen realized that he needed a cast and equipment. "Well the ideate lending facilities have recording equipment and laptops with video editing software" he thought "and my girlfriend has a nice camera, I will just have to borrow all those things then!" So after class Kaalen went to the lending facilities and borrowed a laptop and a Zoom audio recorder. He asked the man at the front desk "Is there anyway I can borrow a laptop overnight? I need the software on the computer and I plan on working late into the night (It is precisely 3:28 am for those wondering). The man replied "We do not usually do that but if you get a professors permission then sure I can lend it out to you" So Kaalen emailed his wonderful professor with a question of lending and a possible extension for the project. 

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