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There's a lot of media to be made from being playful and tinkering. Usually, when we create media, we have a particular goal in mind and strive toward that goal. On the other hand, this final assignment asks us to play around and more so discover rather than target a particular outcome.

While some people may be more fidgety about the lack of direction, I find this change in direction perfect for how I learn and create. I started creating art and music by experimenting with tools and trying different techniques out until I found something that looked or sounded nice.  The canvas and track is my playground on which I create media of varying degrees of artistry.

When I had heard about the final assignment, I had thought about electronic media and what curios they can create. In particular, I thought of Vectorpark and the toy/game Windosill. When we think about games made in Adobe Flash, we tend to think of games made with 2D, pivot-style sprites; platformers, puzzle games, and the such. In contrast, Windosill creates an environment that shows the breadth of what Adobe Flash can produce by using faux-3D graphics, physics, and mouse events, all with an amazing elegance. It would not be wrong to call Windosill more of a digital gallery than a game.

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