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In today's age and for this class's target demographic, our playgrounds of choice seem to be software environments. By using technology, we can create virtual galleries filled with all sorts of marvelous toys by experimenting with their esoteric features. Software tends to have its expected uses, but it's all the more interesting and educational to see the breadth of its capabilities.

Here are a few examples that come to mind:

• The archetypal example of such intention perversity is with Microsoft Excel. Sure, it can be used as a spreadsheet program, but why do that when it has access to Virtual Basic and can be used to make a video player or an RPG?

Entire programming languages can be repurposed for tasks they aren't meant to normally handle, and we can marvel at what we can generate with them.

• Ironically, JavaScript was originally a toy for HTML, but it has since its introduction developed into a powerful tool that can be used for many things, such as data manipulation, symbolic calculations, and physics emulation. This trait is not unique to JavaScript, but, really, any programming language with the capacity for executing algorithms.

• Consider that at least 78 programming languages have the capacity to generate a Mandelbrot set, even if some of them lack graphics support! Even if we're limited to mere text, there is still a lot of room for beautiful media. I can't even imagine the range of media we can make by using even primitive interfaces.

There is much to explore within the confines of technology. Given the extensiveness of this project compared to other assignments, I feel I'll have the time to experiment, learn, and create something innovative.

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