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It’s a kinetic construction toy that comes with a board with holes in it that allow for people to interact with it and make their own movements. Some movements are controlled by hand and other with an Arduino. I chose this project because it looked like some sort of toy for kids that I would have loved to play with. Moveable parts, a simple aesthetic, and customizability are all great qualities of this project. It also has a lot of potential for growth, as more parts could be made for it with different purposes. Right now it only has the bare parts, and adding more would up the interactivity and hackability of the project. For example the creator of the project, Eun Young Park, suggests that sensor modules could be incorporated. I feel that these new parts would definitely take the project to the next level. The clean look with the birch wood and pure colors was a good design choice. Although some sort of plastic or matte paint finish may have given it a sleeker look that goes with the Arduino and electronic components, I imagine that the wood gives a better touch that is good for a project that allows for hands on interaction. The project is reminiscent of childhood toys like Legos and K’nex in that it allows for creation of what the person interacting with it wants, and calls for creativity and play. It definitely has the “play” element that our project is supposed to have, as well as the ideation factor that comes from the customizability and inclusion of the Arduino.

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