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Possible, Plausible, Potential

These are architectural drawings generated by code written in Processing and printed with markers using a machine. Made by Miguel Nóbrega, every time the code runs simple architectural components are generated with random variables, and are put together in a random fashion as well. The geometric and precise feel of the drawings are unique and the factor of randomness makes each drawing different and interesting. Although the architecture can’t be made into reality the strength of the project is the playful “imagination” that the code gives to what could be built and the intricate look of the drawings. It would be interesting if there were also 3D printed models of what the code creates. It seems inspired by those robots that draw with pens, and also by software used to draw 3D objects like Solidworks. It is related to our final project in that it definitely melds technology and art. It also has the playful look, although it is lacking in being a playground due to its deficit of interactivity.

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