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We began the process of this project by first figuring out what exactly we wanted to do with the project. Upon looking at all of the pieces we had researched, one that had particularly stood out was Line Wobbler. We were enticed by the idea of having an actual "physical" installation, and so we set out brainstorming different sort of reasonable works we could make. One of our first ideas was to create a doorhinge like controller, contrasting with Line Wobbler's door-stopper inspired Wobble Controller. From that, we thought that doorhinges moved remarkably like pinball paddles, giving us the idea of creating a pinball inspired game by virtue of having a virtual pinball table. We also enjoyed the musical swing project and the idea of creating complex sounds from smaller systems. Merging these 2 concepts together, we reached our eventual final concept of Side-A/Side-B.

Along the way we encountered several changes in focus and design challenges. Originally we wanted to have it so you could tilt the table via the gyrometer of  a tablet, but we found it difficult to build for those devices and also that the screen size was too small to handle the scope we were going for. We also realized that our initial idea was fairly static, and so we decided to give the table another side so that we could communicate some sort of narrative and realize the concept's full potential by introducing a second way of creating music. This development came mainly from the impromptu name we gave the project, Side-A/Side-B.  There were also in-engine issues, such as balls standing still and flippers not pushing the balls properly, which we fixed by giving flippers weight to their movements and raising the center of the board so that balls would roll downwards, much like how they do in real pinball tables.

In the end, we didn't have the time or resources to make the custom controllers work, and even with already built controllers, we had a lot of trouble just connecting them. The MIDI keyboard did help to add a visual to the audio emphasis in our project, and helped us use the artistic practice of everyday objects

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