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After choosing our setting, we planned for the different furniture in the room to react differently depending on the audience's interactions with the objects. These objects would be placed in separate layers, and later animated in another file.

As the art assets were produced, the pieces would be available for further processing - either placed onto the background in the final website, or animated as GIFs if they were a series of animation frames. These would be programmed to play on a layer above the original static image. An art asset's availability also meant that it was ready for sound assets, which would then be found online and added to the animations in the final website.

A general blueprint with all the assets placed, along with the relatively empty room to serve as background, was uploaded. All art assets, sound assets, puzzle elements, tasks, ideas etc were shared on google drive.

The cipher was designed by first constructing the hidden message to tell the story, and then constructing the diary entry around it.

One of the comments we received suggested adding jump scares during the lightning, and our final project uses this idea by including ghostly silhouettes during the lightning flashes.

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