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Since this was primarily a conceptual prototype built with a very specific goal, the system was built at a reduced scale with three mirrors each 3” in diameter. The animated mirrors use a pan-tilt system to achieve two axes of rotation. This was chosen so that the light reflections could move around a space organically. The pan-tilt system for each mirror uses two micro servos -- a total of six micro servos were used. Although these servos proved to be both small and strong, they create a noisy-byproduct that does not align well with the desired experience. A pulse sensor was chosen because it provided the intuitive correlation between biometric data and emotion. The software has two thresholds that break the data into low, medium and high pulse ranges. Low pulse rates are accompanied by a slow animation. Medium pulses rates are associated with slow individual synchronized animation, while fast pulse rates are correlated with rapid individual movements. The animation speed is designed to visually represent the emotional state of its occupants. The medium heart rate was hard to trigger during testing. This is why the video only demonstrates two states.Further iterations would consider implementing multiple biometric data sensors in order to validate the emotional state of occupants before generating a spatial response. 

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