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Play Along

My second toy is called Play Along and it is an attachable drum kit that you can put in your car. The principle this toy is built on is sound. The child can interact with this toy by tapping on the different pads with their fingers or hands in order to make the different drum noises come out of the speakers. Smaller children would be more content just making the noises in general while older kids may enjoy trying to follow the rhythm of the song playing on the radio and trying to make their own beat. The construction cost of this product lies in the wiring of the different sounds and the quality of the speakers as well as the sound pads. The plastic encasing would not cost very much in the long run and the straps would need to cost enough so that there is no safety concerns for the product. The durability of the product would be high as the only damage it would take would be the person tapping on it as well as some effects from the different bumps and such on the road. As far as safety as long as the straps are properly fastened and tight enough the toy shouldn't move on whatever bar it is situated on and be perfectly fine. Once again I wanted to think about certain experiences that could have been more enjoyable as a kid and one that stood out was car rides. There are not many toys that are really built to be played with in cars besides electronics which aren't ideal for many reasons. I think that this product could be a fun addition to a car ride and keep kids entertained.

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