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Build a 3D Printer

Physical Principle: Interaction between physical objects and code, basic frame manufacturing skills, experience with small motors

How to Play:  Older kids can get some experience with maker projects and programming. This kit come with some preassembled parts, and an interface and template for the code to control the printer. This is a great middle school or early high school project that has funstionalities of a toy, so it is still entertaining!

Construction Cost: This would probably not be economically viable for a general market. This is much more of a hobby toy, and would probably cost the consumer around $300-400. I would need a table saw/band saw and a 3D Printer to build this.

Durability: 3D printers tend to be very fragile, so this toy would only be appropriate for older kids. They also often have a lot of problems, so patience and troubleshooting are required.

Safety: The only safety concerns would be the extruder head and the heated bed, which both get to very high temperatures in order to melt the plastic.

What did I learn? This idea came from my own experience of building a 3D printer from scratch.

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