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Physical Principle:  This toy introduces aerodynamic design at an early age.

How to Play:  Build a really cool and safe model rocket, starting at age 8! This toy gives children ages 8-10 a good introduction to model rocketry and electronic tools while avoiding fire hazards. Kids can choose their rocket design, swap out or custom design fins, and read a basic altimeter that changes between Imperial and Metric unit systems.

Construction Cost: This would hopefully be a relatively cheap construction cost for  a very cool toy. I view this toy as costing about $20-30 to make because of the propulsion system and the altimeter cost. I would need injection molding and laser cutting to build this.

Durability: This toy will take a lot of impact, so a parachute system is vital to its durability. I am also concerned with the rocket getting stuck in trees, as that is a problem I still come across in my model rocketry experiences.

Safety: The only concern I have is the rocket shooting into someone and injuring them. Proper safety precautions should be followed, such as 

What did I learn?  I build higher powered rockets myself, and I wish I had a toy like this when I was younger to teach me real concepts I would use in the future. I learned that many concepts are difficult to actually manufacture or implement, as  I have concerns about how to propel the rocket.

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