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4. Reflection

When I first look at this in the broader sense I see motion. There are different types of geometries and contrasted colors. The colors seemed washed over, and certain things seemed lost behind. Some parts seem very distinct and solid, while other are more jumbled and messy. My eyes are drawn to the far right, the only part that seems to pop out and seems clearer. It seems like there is a certain path that is trying to be followed, but something is unsuccessful in following that one path- there is a roundabout , indecisive feeling. The piece seems very balanced, but spaced out.

It is hard to be completely unbiased in whether or not this piece is successful in expressing the intended meaning, since I know the intended meaning very well. I think that it set a good skeleton for the meaning, but that it could possibly go even further and be extended. There could be even more going on, and things should be less separated. There could be even more “busy-ness”, and though there is an evident driving force to come to a decision or final idea, I think this could be even more dynamic if there was a greater sense of the necessary information fighting against the distractions.

I think that before this semester I might have gotten to caught up on the familiarities and the connotations that are typically associated with the images in this piece: for example, I might have tried to read something into the coffee beans or the calculator and water bottle. Now I know that it is not as obvious in that way, though it is more obvious in other way. What I mean by that is, I can trust my initial reactions and emotions to this piece without trying to read meaning into the water bottle. 

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