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Curatorial statement:

This picture is aim to show the energy of electrical and computer engineering (ECE). With a strong circular energy pattern in the middle of the picture, this piece presents the light and power as energy which are gathered and centered from the background, and come out from a white net. The electrical beams in the center are emitting like a blossoming tree. It shows the vitality and strength of ECE. The background is made of circuits board and binary numbers which are the essential elements of ECE. All the binary numbers and circuits in the background point to the center of the piece, which is also the vanishing point.  In addition, the colors of this piece is intended to give the viewer a feeling of science fiction, and it resembles the typical colors of unix shell(see picture 1), which is the place where we do the coding. My piece is inspired by an Bangkok artist called Setsiri Silapasuwanchai(see pictures 2&3), he did a lot of amazing computer graphics of circuits. Finally, for this work, I chose some images from the internet and used photoshop to combine, modify and edit them, making them into this piece.

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