//Declaring servo control variables and servo motors
int servoPin = A4;
Servo mouthServo;
int servoPos = 10;
//Status Indicator LED
int ledPin7 = D7;
//Variables for count of receipts and time of last receipt
int receiptCount = 0;
int receiptTime = 0;
//Variables for LED control
int redPin = D0;
int bluegreenPin = D1;
int redValue = 255;
int bluegreenValue = 255;
//Threshold values and decrication time variable
int highCount = 3;
int midCount = 2;
int timeLimit = 120000; //86400000 mils per day
void setup()
//Pinmode for indicator LED
pinMode(ledPin7, OUTPUT);
//Servo control setup functions and variables, with debugging
//Particle.function("ServoSet", servoControl);
//Particle.variable("ServoPos", servoPos);
//Particle functions and variables for interacting with email receipts
Particle.function("Receipt", receiptReceive);
Particle.variable("Receipts", receiptCount);
//Functions and variables for setting the warning and high thresholds
Particle.variable("highCount", highCount);
Particle.variable("midCount", midCount);
Particle.function("SetThres", setThresholds);
Particle.variable("timeLimit", timeLimit);
Particle.function("setTime", setTime);
//RGB Pinmodes, variables, and initializing RGB LED outputs
//pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(redPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(bluegreenPin, OUTPUT);
//Debugging for LED values and controls
//Particle.function("led", ledControl);
//Particle.variable("redValue", redValue);
//Particle.variable("bgValue", bluegreenValue);
//Write initial values for RGB LEDs
analogWrite(redPin, redValue);
analogWrite(bluegreenPin, bluegreenValue);
void loop()
checkTime(); //Check if sufficient time has passed to decrease the receiptcount variable
checkCount(); //Check the receiptcount and set servo and LED values
delay (100);
//Control function for servo
int servoControl(int command)
int newPos = command;
servoPos = constrain(newPos, 10, 170); //Adjust values for range of servo motion
return 1;
int receiptReceive(String command)
receiptCount = receiptCount + 1; //Incriment count if function is called by IFTTT
receiptTime = millis(); //Overwrite receipt time with time of function call
digitalWrite(ledPin7, HIGH);
digitalWrite(ledPin7, LOW);
return receiptCount;
int checkTime()
if (receiptCount >= 1 && receiptTime+timeLimit <= millis()) //If there is a count, and if timeLimit has passed since last receipt or deprication, decrease count and reset time
receiptCount = receiptCount-1;
receiptTime = millis();
int checkCount()
if (receiptCount >= highCount) //If count is equal to or higher than the highCount, then red and frown
else if (receiptCount <= highCount && receiptCount >= midCount) //If at midCount, then pink and smile
else //otherwise teal and smile
int ledControl(String command) //Receives two values as string to set LED values
String colors[2];
int index=0;
for (int i=0; i<command.length(); i++)
if(index < 2)
char c= command.charAt(i);
colors[index] += c;
if (c == ',') index++;
redValue = colors[0].toInt();
bluegreenValue = colors[1].toInt();
analogWrite(redPin, redValue);
analogWrite(bluegreenPin, bluegreenValue);
return 1;
int setThresholds(String command) //function for setting the threshold values. Accepts midCount then highCount
String thresholds[2];
int index=0;
for (int i=0; i<command.length(); i++)
if(index < 2)
char c= command.charAt(i);
thresholds[index] += c;
if (c == ',') index++;
midCount = thresholds[0].toInt();
highCount = thresholds[1].toInt();
return 1;
int setTime(String command) //function for setting the cooldown timing. Value in seconds
timeLimit = command.toInt();
return 1;
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