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What It Is Useful For

Metal casting is useful for making complex shapes that would be difficult to make with other methods. It allows for a degree of freedom to form manufactured goods from metal for any aspect of society. There are many different processes and metals that can be cast and many different products that can be created. Cast metal products offer extreme strength and durability, which make them especially useful for heavy machine applications in the manufacturing industry (i.e. farming, automobile, water processing industry). Metal casting is also used to make various types of art and jewelry due to the malleable nature of metal.

What Are Its Limitations

Some types of casting are limited to certain metals, some have to reform molds after each use so are not suitable for large scale production, and some molds are difficult to make and maintain. Parts that can be made are limited to the shape of mold you are able to create. Metal casting is highly dangerous and people involved in the industrial process of metal casting must be highly trained.

How Much Does It Cost To Use

The price of casting a part varies creating depending not eh type of metal and the casting process used. For example casting an aluminum part using sand casting could could approximately $32, while the same part would be roughly $16 if made by die casting. The tools necessary to perform each different process also varies. 

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