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const String myID = Particle.deviceID();
int ledPin = D0; //Setup LED
int testledPin = D1; //test values
int photoCellPin = A0; //Setup Photocell
int photoCellReading = 0; //Store the sensor reading
int ledState = 0;
int remoteState = 0;
void setup(){
  //Function that will allow direct communication between usb port, analogue reading
  //Connect the photo cell reading to the cloud to read the value on "cloud variables"
  Particle.variable("light", &photoCellReading, INT);
  Particle.variable("brightness", &ledState, INT );
  pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(testledPin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (photoCellPin, INPUT);
  Particle.subscribe("SweetTalkProject", eventHandler);
  Particle.function("setState", setStateFromCloud); //Just to chech LED locally
void loop(){
void eventHandler (const char *event, const char *data){
  Serial.println( "event detected" );
  Serial.println( data );
  Serial.println( event );
  String dataStr = data;
  if (!data) return;
  //String myID = System.deviceID(); (redudnant to line 3)
  if( dataStr.indexOf( myID ) > -1 ) return;
  //Serial.println( "Not from another ... "); // i dont know what not from another refers to
  int index = dataStr.indexOf(",");
  String value = dataStr.substring( 0, index );
  int state = value.toInt();
  setState( state );
int monitorPhotocell(){
  photoCellReading = analogRead(photoCellPin); //Read from photoCellPin
  int convertedToState = map ( photoCellReading, 800, 4000, 0, 255 ); // Set range for states
  analogWrite( testledPin, photoCellReading );
  //Serial.println( photoCellReading ); //Display it on serial
  if (remoteState != convertedToState){
    announceState (convertedToState);
    remoteState = convertedToState;
    delay (1000);
int setStateFromCloud (String command){
  int newState = command.toInt();
  setState ( newState );
  return 1;
void setState(int state){
    if ( state == ledState ) return;
    if ( state != ledState ){
      ledState = state;
      analogWrite(ledPin, state);
void announceState (int state){
  //String myID = System.deviceID(); (Redundant with like 3)
  String data = String(state) + "," + myID;
  Particle.publish("SweetTalkProject", data);
  delay (2500);
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