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Future Recommendations

Looking ahead, there are numerous areas of the game that could be improved upon in additional releases. 


1. Relative Force Responses: Currently, the solenoids respond in a binary fashion to the remote FSR. To create a more realistic game of skill, it would be nice to implement a system in which the solenoid response is relative to the FSR reading. This would allow for players to have true control over their shots and provide a much richer and challenging gaming experience. 

2. Game Score Indicator: Currently, the game only provides a visual indication to the remote player that their shot has been successful but does not provide any additional context related to shot score, force impact, or overall game score. The addition of an LED display would allow for the presentation of richer game data and help further the connection between the two players. 

3. Audio Connectivity: The ability to communicate and "trash talk" the competition is a key social element of gaming and one not currently supported. The addition of a microphone and speaker would allow for player-to-player communication. 

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