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Project Description

Do you get stressed out easily? Does stress negatively affect your personal and professional life? Serenity aims to help remove this unnecessary and unhealthy stress. Serenity is a wearable device that identifies when users are stress and provides users real-time feedback when choices are made to reduce stress. The People’s Insurance Company (P.I.C.) promotes Serenity to all of their clients who seek regular medical attention to handle stress. P.I.C. hopes that Serenity will decrease their clients' annual medical costs.

Cutting out stress sounds like a good thing right? As it turns out, this might not always be the case. Avoiding certain stressful situations might benefit someone in the short-term, however it can lead to negative implications in the long-term. A user might opt to skip work one day to avoid a stressful presentation. Avoiding the presentation will lower their current stress levels, however it might cause them to get fired if it becomes a habit. Another user might decide to cancel a stressful lunch with their in-laws one day, but the next day decides to discontinue communication with everyone close to them.

The examples listed might seem unrealistic at first, however situations like those might become very possible with the way technology has been heading. Our team chose this topic after acknowledging that people accept guidance from technology more and more everyday. Technology is already beginning to guide our day-to-day decisions. We think scenarios, like those listed above, are very likely to occur in the next few years if proper precautions are not taken when designing for the Internet of things.

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