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In our project we gained a lot of insight about designing symbiotic systems. In creating each layer, we had to think about how we wanted each shelf to support the organism life and interact with the other layers. This lead to specific design choices and also helped us figure out the order in how we installed the organisms in order to prevent the least amount of damage. In creating this system, we also had our general concept figured out, but when we went in to figure out the sensor systems and construction, we still have some things to figure out for future iterations.

We also learned a lot from building within the confinements of our glass container. At first we thought we would be able to use a metal to glass glue to adhere L brackets on the surface where our shelves could sit. Unfortunately our shelves started to collapse after the weight of the organisms had been sitting on top for a while and we had to create a laser cut scaffolding system that could be incorporated into the design. In getting things into the jar, we had to play around with piecing and hinging our pieces so that it could fit into our jar opening and open up. It would be helpful if we work with a differently shaped container in later iterations. 

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