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Manufacturing Plan

Truck: The truck will be made of wood, with several metal components for wheels, axles, and the main crane. We'll use the machine shop to cut the main block of wood and use a router to shape the figure and the grooves. Wheels will be purchased and attached to the truck using axles. The crane will be cut into its shape using laser cutting. Two magnets will be purchased -- one large magnet will be embedded in the truck's carriage, and the other magnet will be attached to a string connected to the crane. A drill press will be used for all the holes. As the final step, the crank handle will be connected to the axle that will lower and raise the string as it is turned.

Picture Grid: As a structure that lays flat on the ground, the picture grid will be made of wood and cut into its shape using a router. Metal and wooden pieces will be placed into the squares of the 5x5 grid. These pieces will be encased in plastic.

Plastic Enclosing: The electromagnet is enclosed by a thin layer of plastic in order to increase safety of the toy. The case will have smooth edges such that it would not be able to cut the player, but also a thin enough layer so that the electromagnet can still pick up the metal blocks.

Images and Question Cards: They will be printed on laminated paper.

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