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In order to avoid wasting time and causing traffic, we plan on installing lights above each table in the UC (including the main area, poolside and workout area) that are connected wirelessly to weight sensors placed underneath each table. Weight sensors will also be placed on the bottom of the chairs to ensure that someone is sitting on that seat. Each weight sensor on the bottom will be put under the carpet and either 3.5' x 3.5' or 4' x 6' in size depending on the table. The sensors will be programmed to respond to a weight of at least 90 lbs, ensuring that it will only react when a person is sitting there. 

There will be lights placed above each table in the UC. The lights above each table will remain green if the tables are vacant.When a person sits at a table, the weight sensors on both the chair and underneath the table go off and send a signal to the overhanging light. The light then changes from green to red to indicate that the table is now occupied. These lights will be connected to a digital map placed the neighboring room. This digital map will display a floor plan of each area and show either red or green dots on the screen to represent each table. 

Along with the lights to alert people whether or not tables are occupied in the physical sphere, we also decided that a two-dimensional representation of the map of tables in the UC should also be visible near where a lot of people gather near the food services in the UC, so the average person can see from a quick glance if there are manytables open or not. The map will be very basic, with just circles or rectangles to represent tables, and those shapes will either be green, red, or yellow depending on the current light color over that table.

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