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#include "HttpClient.h"

//Initialize HTTP Client and variables
HttpClient http;
http_request_t request;
http_response_t response;

//Default HTTP Header settings
http_header_t headers[] = {
    { "Content-Type", "application/json" },
    { NULL, NULL }

//Initializes the hall effect sensor variable and tilt sensor variable
int hallPin = D2;
int tiltPin = D3;

//Records the state of the hall effect sensor and tilt sensor
int tiltState = 0;
int hallState = 0;

//Tracks dumbbell position rep counting, activation, and deactivation
int dumbbellStatus = 0;
int dumbbellPosition = 0;

//Tracks reps and sets
int repCounter = 0;
int setCounter = 0;

void setup ()

  //Set the hall effect and tilt sensors as input
  pinMode (hallPin, INPUT);
  pinMode (tiltPin, INPUT);

  //HTTP rrequest setup/configuration. No changes should be made
  request.hostname = "";
  request.port = 80;
  request.body = NULL;
  //request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=checkin";


void loop ()



/*The monitorRFID function handles the activation and deactivation 
of the device (via a hall effect sensor)*/
void monitorRFID()

  //Reads the status of the hall effect sensor
  hallState = digitalRead (hallPin);

  //If a magnet is present and the dumbbell isn't already activated...
  if (hallState == LOW && dumbbellStatus == 0)

    //Send a checkin event to the magic mirror
    request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=checkin";
    http.get(request, response, headers);

    //Delay for five seconds to prevent overlap
    delay (5000);

    //Send a set start event to the magic mirror
    request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=set-start";
    http.get(request, response, headers);

    //Note that the dumbbell is currently activated
    dumbbellStatus = 1;

  //Reads the status of the hall effect sensor
  hallState = digitalRead (hallPin);

  //If the magnet is present and the dumbbell is already activated
  if (hallState == LOW && dumbbellStatus == 1)

    //Send a checkout event to the magic mirror
    request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=checkout";
    http.get(request, response, headers);

    // Delay five seconds to prevent overlap
    delay (5000);

    //Note that the dumbbell is currently inactivated
    dumbbellStatus = 0;


/*The monitorReps function handles the rep-counting feature of the
connected dumbbells (via a tilt sensor)*/
void monitorReps()
  //Read the status of the tilt sensor
  tiltState = digitalRead (tiltPin);

  //If the dumbbells are activated...
  if (dumbbellStatus == 1)

    //And if the tilt sensor has been activated
    if (dumbbellPosition == 0 && tiltState == HIGH)

      //Set the dumbbell position
      dumbbellPosition = 1;

      //Increment the rep counter for later use

      //Send a rep increment event to the magic mirror
      request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=reps-increm      ent";
      http.get(request, response, headers);

      //Delay for one second to prevent overlap


    //If the tilt sensor is deactivated
    else if (dumbbellPosition == 1 && tiltState == LOW)

      //Set the dumbbell position
      dumbbellPosition = 0;

      //Delay for one second to prevent overlap


    //Once the rep count reaches five...
    if (repCounter == 5)

      //Send a set end event to the magic mirror
      request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=set-end";
      http.get(request, response, headers);

      //Set the rep count to zero
      repCounter = 0;

      //Increment the set count

      //Delay for seven seconds to prevent overlap

    //If the set count is equal to or greater than one...
    if (setCounter >= 1)

      //Send a set start event to the magic mirror (indicating a new set)
      request.path = "/lab/photon-gym-mirror/command.php?event=set-start";
      http.get(request, response, headers);

      //Decrement the set count


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