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Write about the big ideas behind your project? What are the goals? Why did you make it? What are your motivations?

Before we learned how to use soft circuits during the second class, I had once tried to put LEDs inside a costume to make it glow (linked here: Because I didn't know how to use different conductive threads and materials and I was afraid of using them on the off chance that I would get hurt, I asked a friend to help me basically hard wire it, using insulted wire and LED strips. However, I was unable to make it work and could not figure out why. Therefore, I want to create an updated design for the dress so that I can get the LED strips to work correctly the future. Furthermore, I want to use some of the other techniques that we touched on in order to create details on the dress in general. The purpose of this proposal is to take an old costume that I have made and modify it in order to incorporate new techniques that I have learned over the course of this class. My initial sketch for the project can he seen here:

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