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Nature Room is a unique space for students to escape stress without having to leave the library. It's meant to provide students an opportunity to take a break in nature, without having to leave the library. If they want to, they can also study within the room. As the user opens and shuts the entrance door, the scene changes. The Nature Room completely encloses the user by mapping video to all four sides of the room. An overhead fan mimics wind and an overhead light mimics the sun. Both of these change to match each scene. 

We wanted to make relaxation as accessible as possible, and decided on nature as the medium to do so. CMU students are consistently pressed for time and may not have time to escape campus and take a break. To address this, we designed an immersive nature experience that could be installed directly into a room at the library. Creating a nearby, immersive experience increases the chances that students will relax within nature, albeit a virtual nature. 

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