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Henri Matisse is a French artists who has experimented with many different styles in his life. Matisse created this piece when he was bound to bed due to cancer. He used a very unique and creative technique: he and his assistants pre-painted pieces of paper, cut them into into shapes, and then arranged them into a collage of shapes and colors. It may seem like a very simple technique, but the creative shapes, the round edges, and the diverse choices of colors give Matisse's cutouts a unique beauty. In his earlier life, he was one of the leading artists in the Fauvism art movement -- a branch of the French impressionist movement. He painted with bright, expressive colors and added a sense of wildness to everyday scenes. Matisse carried his obsession with vibrant colors onto his new style of art -- cutouts. Although he was not working with paint and brushes anymore, he began to portray movements and scenery with abstracted shapes in powerful colors.

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