To emulate Schwitters, I went around the digital world collecting pieces of objects I thought represented something in the digital world, and "cut and pasted" them onto a board. I wanted to make it look coherent from afar, but disjoint up close, so I utilized colors and grouped all the icons of similar color together in rough, diagonal bands across the screen, and paired it with a background that was also cohesive in color but messy upon closer inspection. And, everything I found, I put together in a way that I thought told a story about social media, the internet, and the symbols of advancement and modernity. In variation with the original piece of art, I abandoned the dark, moody feel of The Cherry Picture for the high paced, busy, fast, and bright feel of the technological advancements today.
This was put together in Photoshop (actually, Photoshop itself shows up in the piece...) to utilize the image filtering/alteration features of Photoshop.
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