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class Line(object):
    def __init__(self, x0, y0, x1, y1, color, orientation, speed):
        self.xc = x0
        self.yc = y0
        self.x0 = x0
        self.x1 = x1
        self.y0 = y0
        self.y1 = y1
        self.color = color
        self.orientation = orientation
        self.speed = speed

    def move(self):
        if self.orientation == "horizontal":
            if self.xc < self.x1:
                self.xc += self.speed
                self.xc = self.x0
        elif self.orientation == "vertical":
            if self.yc < self.y1:
                self.yc += self.speed
                self.yc = self.y0
def init(data):
    data.mode = False
    data.grey = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (240, 241, 242)
    data.maroon = '#%02x%02x%02x' % (176, 30, 40)
    data.verticalLine1 = Line(10, 207, 15, 417, "black", "vertical", 2) #vertical line 1
    data.verticalLine2 = Line(217, 0, 225, 625, "black", "vertical", 10) #vertical line 2
    data.verticalLine3 = Line(330, 0, 338, 625, "black", "vertical", 6) #vertical line 3
    data.horizontalLine1 = Line(0, 197, 490, 207, "black", "horizontal", 4) #horizontal line 1
    data.horizontalLine2 = Line(0, 417, 490, 427, "black", "horizontal", 12) #horizontal line 2
    data.lines = [data.verticalLine1, data.verticalLine2, data.verticalLine3, data.horizontalLine1, data.horizontalLine2]

def mousePressed(event, data):

def keyPressed(event, data):
    if data.mode == False:
        data.mode = True
    elif data.mode == True:
        data.mode = False

def timerFired(data):
    if data.mode == True:
        for line in data.lines:

def redrawAll(canvas, data):
    canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 490, 625, fill = data.grey)
    canvas.create_rectangle(0, 0, 217, 207, fill=data.maroon) #rectangle
    canvas.create_rectangle(10, 207, 15, data.verticalLine1.yc, fill="black") #vertical line 1
    canvas.create_rectangle(217, 0, 225, data.verticalLine2.yc, fill="black") #vertical line 2
    canvas.create_rectangle(330, 0, 338, data.verticalLine3.yc, fill="black") #vertical line 3
    canvas.create_rectangle(0, 197, data.horizontalLine1.xc, 207, fill="black") #horizontal line 1
    canvas.create_rectangle(0, 417, data.horizontalLine2.xc, 427, fill="black") #horizontal line 2
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