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I approached the exercise by first compiling some messages that I wanted to have on my art, some string of words which are similar to Kruger's original pieces but are more applicable to the political climate today, touching on some commonly debated issues. Sadly I found that the things which Kruger found problematic decades ago are still problematic today, so a lot of the messages I chose were quite similar to hers. In Kruger's original work, her words are all one font and either red or laid over red rectangles. I chose to use different styles of words so that each word and its font and color could communicate a little more. However I bordered the final pieces in red to make my piece more like hers, in which the color red was a very important theme. Some challenges I encountered were difficulties finding the appropriate style of word for some words which I really wanted to hold meaning, sometimes I just settled for a neutral styled word rather than one which would not match the emotion that I wanted each word to have. I rejected the approach of completely stealing her style, using red words on black and white images, and decided instead to just borrow, creating what I have right now. 

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