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Personal Reflection

I enjoyed this project for many reasons. Starting with doing research for the proposal, it opened me up to the world of Barbara Kruger's art, which I now greatly appreciate. I learned how to appropriate and why it is so important in the world of art. It is such a concept to be able to beg, borrow, or steal in this world where plagiarism or unoriginality is usually so looked down upon, and it is refreshing that it is greatly accepted in an artistic way as long as appropriation is credited (or if what you're appropriating is so iconic that credit is unnecessary, such as parodies of the Mona Lisa). Appropriation is quite interesting because although you're drawing upon the ideas of others, there is always something new to bring to the plate. What I would do differently, as I touched on in the self-critique, is I would keep my words and visual style more similar to Kruger's. I think that her method was a lot more effective and clean than my approach was. 

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