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Original title: Future of a Child - I want to bring attention to the fact that we still have a lot of underprivileged people in this society, through no fault of their own.

Original entry: I would like to recreate a photo like the one below. I want to add shirts to some of their clothes that saw the names of various colleges/universities (e.g. Harvard, Northeastern). However, not every kid will have a shirt. This is because not every kid is in a position to go to a university, sometimes due to situations beyond their control. You don't pick who your parent are, yet it can determine almost everything about your future. This picture is from the ideal days in the 1960s, when a college education was not necessarily a big part of being successful or living a successful life. Now, things may be said to be "less than ideal" for those not recieving some form of higher education.

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