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I explored the idea of unconscious and compulsive consumerism further, and decided that I want to show how consumerism in this manner can consume women, without them being aware of it. I used images of women obsessing over certain products, which often are excessive in their lives. They’re meant to illustrate that women sometimes buy more gym membership cards than they have time and energy to exercise, very similar cosmetic products that they almost never use up, extravagant shoes and garments they rarely have the chance to wear, and newest versions of electronic products when it’s not necessary to invest money in them. The background layer is an image of a pair of hands holding the bars on a barcode, symbolizing people being imprisoned by consumerism. In all of the images, the women seem in bliss over their possession of these things they don’t actually need, and this is what I wish to convey—that regardless of what their unconscious intentions of purchasing these products are, they’re very much imprisoned by consumerism.    

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