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Layer #1 (Opening)


As a recent meme, the first audio track that came to mind for doing meme tennis was the “It’s The Nutshack” theme, mostly because the song itself contained a repeating portion which was commonly used for editing for memes, specifically the lyric “nutshack.” Also, I had heard of the meme fairly recently, and was the first audio track which came to mind when creating the project.


The first edit was to double each of the words “nut” and “shack”, changing the lyric into “It’s the nutnutshackshack.” However, once I finished doubling the words, I discovered that there is a slight pause between nut and shack in each original lyric which was added between shack and shack. So to make it fit well, I removed that space, and for good measure, doubled the tempo of the nutnutshackshack. Surprisingly, it actually maintained the audio track length.

- Ray

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