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Layer #5

Who served it?

What was the 'volley' you served? What did you create and how did it respond to the previous material? What is it composed with (materials, shapes, forms)? Describe the textures, colors, etc.

Alice served layer three...

I added the introduction tune of Sandstorm to Darude to the mp3 file. I did this because overlaying another layer would make it very difficult to listen to because it is already so layered. By adding to the beginning, it would be clearer to the audience what was going on. I chose Sandstorm because the song itself is sort of a meme. It is quite popular and at the very least, it is easily recognized. There are no textures or colors which have been added to the meme, except in the beginning where the intro stands alone and is quite apparent. The meme is already pretty textured, to the point that I wanted to avoid adding any more texture over the main audio clip because it gets overwhelming.

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