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Outline your approach to the project? How did you approach reworking of media in a collaborative way? What challenges were encountered and how did you resolve them?

Jessie: I approached working on this process with excitement; I think, oftentimes, when you work on your own, it is hard to come up with ideas, and when you do, sometimes you become fixated on that idea, and become incapable to work around it. Working in a collaborative way, that shouldn't (and didn't) happen. I started the volley, thinking it would go one direction, and when I got the work back on layer 5, it took me a while to understand what everyone else was trying to do and how they had interpreted my message, but when I did, it was surprising and exciting and in a direction I had never thought of taking it before. 

Shangda (Harry) Li: I laughed a lot when I saw how my previous work got transformed by other group members. It's fun and meaningful to learn about what other people are thinking about, and sometimes "misunderstanding" can lead to serendipitous outcome. My approach is to look at the previous layer first, wondering what the previous person wants to express, and then to think myself wildly, trying to give the work more potential, more possibilities of different way the work can evolve later through other team members. The technique I used is mostly photoshop.

Tianjun (Jun) Ma: There is a brainstorming process when I receive previous works of my teammates. I examined all of the previous works and tried to find the correlation between them. After that, I conclude what elements are lacking and aimed to supplement my ideas for those that need improvement. For example, in response to @shangdal's milk and fish idea, I found that even though they represent some interesting thoughts, they lack the spreadability as a meme. So I added texts that conclude the photo to transform it into such media.

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